Saturday, February 6, 2010


Espero q todo este bn con ustds. Aqui estamos en Panama. Hace como un mes (four weeks) que llegamos. Some of us have already been taking classes in Florida State and Ganexa while others of us are waiting for some professors to be hired to teach us required courses for our majors. We've already gotten to do a lot since we landed including the beach, feria (fair), break battles, art and hip hop workshops, jazz festival, and networking. I think some of us have been more busy than others but sooner or later we should find ourselves being swamped with everything that reminds us of home. HOWEVER, to be honest being stressed here is a different type. It's a more relaxing stress lol, if that exists. Its more like you could allow yourself to become stressed, OR, you could go outside in the sun, take a trip to the beach and relax, sit on the top of the hill outside our house and look at the skyline, or simply call home and hear about how there they got stress and snow at the same time.

In the days to come I will be updating the blog with more photos of our recent adventures and more stories. I have been the MOST busiest bee with my classes at FSU. But, I'm too grateful and I'm loving that all my classes focus on my major LACIS - Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies.

THIS SEMESTER we're going to have more than just I, ALIDA, writing on this blog. We're going to give everyone the password to sign in and they can write ANYTHING they want WHENEVER they want. The idea is that they will tag themselves in their post and we will put a link on the right side of the page with their name to all their posts. You will be able to easily navigate to all their posts and this way this blog will be more of a collective voice.

Well, right now we are celebrating with one of our new family members AURA. Shes moving to the US on Tuesday to be with her family. Shes from Venezuela. I told the whole long mini intro to her life when we first met her. Shes the person who has had the most impact on our cohort. She has individual relationships with nearly everyone. I met her in my history class. Interesting how certain people have paths that cross ours when we least expect it.

We love her.
But, many of us are already planning trips to visit her in Florida and have her visit Mad-town.

i kno i kno...i ruined the picture...

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