Monday, July 27, 2009

primer dia en la universidad

This is the art on the building I was telling you about. The place that sells music stuff.
Yeaaaaaa you see that HIP HOP!

Just wanted you to see what the fish Blaire and Ben got at that restaurant the other noche looked like.
MMM mmmmmmmm. Good.
It actually was though.
They said.

So hoy fue nuestro primer dia en la universidad de Panama.
We are going to be taking a Spanish course for three weeks, lunes thru viernes, 8am-noon.
TODAY we got up at 5:30AM
para ducharnos

We left the house at 715
got to the bus stop at 730
school 8am

These are the ILL busses we take here.

well, to be real they are probably actually ill, like sick, like bad, like not good.
Panama gets the jacked up buses from the US that dont pass admissions
so you know
we send em here
away from the golden soil of the states that are united
and pollute other air
to keep them poor

Philly said congratulations to us
our first day on the buses
and we actually got to sit down

We had to wear pants to school
people dont wear shorts and such
but we were on the lookout
and saw 2 ladies with lil short-shorts on.
we still not gon do that though
we'll stick with sweating.
after school we usually change to let our legs breath
the humidity

For this 3 week course we are going to be having 2 groups
one mas mas espanol and the other mas espanol
as Zelma said hoy en clase
she is our profe

Tonites homework is to write an acrostico (poema) with someone elses name
I have Blaire...

Aire puro

Despues de clase we met the head honcho
as Philly put it
of the universidad
he was a G
Everyone thought Arturo was cute
and Mary reminded us of someone from Madison

the three of them are THE important folks to know
and as Philly keeps tellin us
"Its not what you know en Panama, its who you know."

They showed us a hip hop video of the advertisement for the university.
it was a rap
with shots of people singin the hook
and breakdancers
and jazz lookin dancers

I couldn't tell if it was coming from the people that the advertisement was for.
The people.

This was a mural on campus.
Too smooth.

We ate in the cafeteria and had some good food with some watered down grapefruit juice that must have had only one lil scoop of sugar. We stood in line and looked around. There were plenty people who looked like they would have NO problem going to the US and blending in. We keep on being surprised at the numbers of black folks we be seeing.

Food cost us $1.50 but tomorrow we'll have the hook up and get the student price. 50 cents. YEAAAAAA!

We also got our pictures taken for our ID cards hoy.
I think we are all going to be dissapointed at how sweaty we look.

After school we went to the crib.
Stopped by the panaderia.
Hoy Ramon let us try free this melecoton (peach) n milk juice slushie thing.
Fue lo mas rico!
We stopped in to get some empanadas.
Nice lil after school snack.
Ramon told us he had bacalao for lunch but we had just ate.

So some updates for ya:
Jap Jap is now being called JJs chicken and rice.
Also the 99cent Arizonas that are sold back home
are equivalent to these tall similar size carton juices in ALL flavors
so they are our YeYe juice

We also visited LA POLICIA NACIONAL down the street from us. We sat down and got a little what to do/ not do and watnot. They said there is not a lot of violence in our neighborhood but there are these kidnappings where people are taken to an atm and forced to empty their bank accounts.
I'm not trying to see what that's like. I don't have much of a bank account. They'd prolly get made at me.

Last event of the day was getting cell phones.
YO $16 for a pre-paid.
Holleeeerrrr @ us!!
Wait. I mean not for real. We can't talk to yall in the US but you know, just admire our cheap phones. Or not. You don't have to.

Bueno, que tenga una buena noche.

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