Friday, March 26, 2010


So a week or two ago you may have read a post by Maddam Dominique about something called Contacting the World that Kelsey, Dom, and I are participating in along with nine other FWers back in the states...if not...go find the post, better yet HERE it is in case you're lazy.

Basically, we're WORLD TRAVELERS NOW! Finna be on our way to MANCHESTER! Yes, MANCHESTER. One more time for yur ears, MANCHESTER! I know, I know, sounds a little random. Who would ever think they would be indulging in a free trip to MANCHESTER to create art and perform it live in front of other theater companies from around the world?! Well, I hope you read what Dom wrote about the opportunity because it truly is a blessing.

Anyways, First Wave, as a theater company has been making these "First Wave Friday" videos to keep all the other theater companies involved in CTW (Contacting the World) up to date with what we're doing. This week and next week Dominique, Kelsey, and I are bringing the videos LIVE from the Republic of Panama so ENJOY and stay tuned!

Of course we had to put our own sprinkles on...'s "First Wave Viernes!"

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